Arthur Ashe Today

Current events as seen through the legacy of Arthur Ashe

2011 ITA/ Arthur Ashe Leadership & Sportsmanship Award Winners

The ITA/Arthur Ashe Leadership and Sportsmanship Award recognizes…

Shining Stars | NJTL Arthur Ashe Essay and Art Contest

Winner of the Boys 11 and 12 art category is Joshua Hidalgo…

Local Training | Spotlight on the AAEDA International Healthcare Worker Training Program

One of the most important programs of the Arthur Ashe Endowment…

Arthur Ashe Endowment-Christopher L. Barley, M.D. Lecture | About the Lecture

The Arthur Ashe Endowment for the Defeat of AIDS has been…

Lecture Notes | Dr. Seth Berkley talks about finding an AIDS vaccine

For years, the Arthur Ashe Endowment-Christopher L. Barley,…

Shining Stars | 2010 NJTL Arthur Ashe Essay and Art Contest Winners

Winner of the Girls 10 and under art category is Clara…

Active Youth | Nestlé Best in Youth winners Raven Asay, Alexander Lin, Karoline McMullen

A spotlight on Nestlé Best in Youth winners Raven Asay,…

Legacy of Service | Information about Arthur Ashe legacy groups

USTA/ National Junior Tennis and LearningWhite Plains,…

Professional Service | A firsthand account of the rewards and rigors of advocacy work 

To get a firsthand perspective on ways to pursue service,…

Season of Service

There is a wonderful sculpture on the grounds of the USTA…

`Tis the Season | Finding ways to serve during the holidays

When we gather this month to appreciate our friends, family…

STAGES by Herman Hesse | A Poem from the Glass Bead Game

As every flower fades and as all youth Departs, so life…

CPR | New Guidelines to be released

On October 18, 2010 new guidelines on how to perform CPR…

Shining Stars | 2010 NJTL Arthur Ashe Essay and Art Contest Winners

Winner of the Boys 10 and under art category is Zaquan…

Jan Kodes | A review of his new biography

Jan Kodes: a Journey to Glory from Behind the Iron Curtain,…

Travel Log| Notes on the tennis tour

In the introduction to Arthur Ashe: Portrait in Motion,…

Cliff’s Notes | Tennis champ Richey talks travel

We recently spoke with Cliff Richey about his time traveling…


Arthur’s love for travel began as a young boy when he…

Arthur Ashe Endowment for the Defeat of AIDS (AAEDA) – Online Auction

For 2011, starting Monday August 29, log on and register…

Kids’ Day Diary | Behind the Scenes Photos from AAKD

Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day 2010 was one for the history books.…