Application Dollars | Taking advantage of online scholarship resources


When back to school is back to college, there can be a lot of preparations involved. With tuitions rising, one of the biggest concerns can be finding funding. However, there are a multitude of scholarship opportunities that can be utilized.

An important thing to remember is that while the denominations of scholarships vary widely, sometimes scholarships for smaller amounts can be less competitive and award more recipients. Also, you can apply to as many scholarships as you choose, so the more places that you apply to, the better your results will probably be. Lastly, be sure to pay attention to specific application requirements, which will be different for each scholarship program. Here are some websites to get started looking:

This is a site that spotlights all sorts of different scholarships. They also particularly pick up on lesser known opportunities. They are a good for source for finding corporate scholarships, and you can look up unconventional categories such as scholarships for twins or people with diabetes:

This site highlights particularly specialized scholarships, such as ones for people who know how to call ducks or Star Trek enthusiasts:

This is an excellent listing of 200 different scholarships specifically for minorities:

This list divides scholarships by general, law and athletic. It also has a good listing of financial aid resources:

This is a good resource for finding scholarships but you need to register a free account with them to use it, but that only take about 5 minutes: