WNYC-New York Public Radio Interview
On the right side of this page is an audio interview from a 1993 taping of the Brian Lehrer show on WNYC-New York Public Radio featuring guest James Cone, a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.
The topic of the show was the legacies of civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, twenty-five years after King’s assassination.
At the beginning of the audio clip, Brian Lehrer announces a surprise caller and that caller is Arthur Ashe. Ashe shares his views on how King and Malcolm X affected his youth and their continuing influence in ’90s popular culture.
— Also on the right side of this page, there is a
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe interview with Brian Lehrer,
which is a prelude to the above noted WNYC New York Public
Radio interview with Arthur Ashe.
Did You Know?

Arthur Ashe – Career Review
Singles Record: 640 – 205
Singles Titles: 33
Doubles Record: 323 – 176
Doubles Titles: 14
Prize Money: $1,584,909
WNYC-New York Public Radio – Brian Lehrer Show – 1993
Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe Interview with Brian Lehrer
Prelude to the Above WNYC New York Public Radio Interview with Arthur Ashe